No matter who you are or where you are, God is not saying, “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, this must stay and this can go,” concerning Heaven. No. God wants everybody saved. I believe that. Jesus loves the little children of the world; they are precious in His sight.
While salvation is very broad in its availability, it is very narrow in its source. The source is the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s no other way. Do you believe that? If Jesus Christ is not the only way, then He’s none of the ways. If Jesus Christ is not the only way, then He is a liar, a fake, a fraud, an imposter. But He’s not one of those things because a liar is no one’s Savior. And Jesus has cornered the market on salvation.
Any people, anywhere, anytime can be saved, but if they are saved, they’re going to be saved through Jesus Christ. There’s no other way to be saved. That’s the way Peter begins his testimony to Cornelius. He said, in effect, “Look, Jesus alone can satisfy your hunger, Cornelius. Jesus alone is God’s answer to your sin. Jesus alone can give you the meaning of life and death. Jesus alone can take the sting out of sin. Jesus alone can take the pain out of parting. Jesus alone can take the dread out of dying. Jesus alone can give a hope that is steadfast and sure.”
- Who are some people you know who may feel too far gone to be saved?
- Who have you shared Jesus with? What did you share with them?
Pray and ask God to open your eyes to the people who want to know Him more. Ask Him to give you the words to show that there is no other way but through Jesus.
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