MATTHEW 16:24-26
Here’s the first step in possessing your possessions: learn dying and start living. That’s not contradictory. We must start by dying to the old ways. A cross is not for wearing around your neck—it’s for dying on.
When I was a little boy, we used to play “finders keepers, losers weepers.” Did you ever play that? With Jesus it’s “keepers weepers, losers finders.” When you lose your life for His sake and the sake of the Gospel, then you find it. You say, “I’m sick and tired of the old life. I’m sick and tired of trying to please the law. I can’t do it, Jesus. You died for me, and I died with you. I have come to the end of that old way.” Learn dying and then you’ll start living.
Nobody wants to say, “I want to die.” Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. But you have to go through something to get to something. You have to go through death to get to Heaven, and you have to go through death to yourself to get to the victorious life. The reason so many of us are not filled with the Spirit is that we are so full of ourselves that there’s no room for the Spirit. I am not being morbid—I am being joyful. Jesus didn’t say, “I have come that you might have death.” Jesus said, “I have come that [you] may have life, and that [you] may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). But you can’t embrace the new life until you’re sick and tired of that old life.
When have you died to yourself?
What are some areas of your life where you are still insisting on your own way?
Surrender to God the areas of life where you are still insisting on your own way, and die to your own way.
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