JOHN 10:10
We have life by the Holy Spirit. When I say that, I don’t mean existence. Even an unsaved man has existence, but he doesn’t have life. How do we get this life Jesus talked about? We receive it by the Holy Spirit. The difference between the people of the world who are religious and true Christians is the truly saved live by the impartation of life and the unsaved live by the imitation of life. Anyone can temporarily imitate the Lord, but a Christian has received life.
You cannot have life apart from the Spirit of God. Because of Jesus, we have a new way to be with God. He not only saved us, but He also gave us the Holy Spirit. We don’t walk the life of faith alone. God is present inside of us. We cannot downplay that amazing truth. The Holy Spirit is God the Father’s agent to make Jesus Christ real to you.
How have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s work in your life? How can you grow in awareness of His presence?
How would your life change if you remembered the Holy Spirit is with you all the time? What are some ways you would live out your faith differently?
Throughout the day, reflect on the truth that the Holy Spirit is inside you; see how this practice of remembrance changes your day.
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