What is the Holy Spirit’s work in you? He is going to make you like God. By the work of the Holy Spirit, you’re going to act like Christ; the Holy Spirit reproduces Jesus Christ in you. If the Christian life is lived in your house, it’ll be Jesus in you. The Holy Spirit is the One who makes Jesus Christ real in you.
If you want to know whether people have the Holy Spirit, don’t ask if they can speak with tongues. Don’t ask if they have the right beliefs. Ask, “Are they like Jesus?” That’s the sign of those who have the Holy Spirit of God. But before you ask anyone else that question, you need to ask that question of yourself. Are you like Jesus? Does your life reflect Him? The Holy Spirit isn’t a bystander. He is an active member of the Trinity and the change agent to make us like Christ.
What is Jesus like? What are some characteristics that reflect Him?
How have you seen the Holy Spirit at work in someone else? How could you tell it was God working in that person?
Encourage someone you have seen live like Christ through the Holy Spirit’s work.
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