Most of us want to hide our weaknesses, but Scripture encourages us to accept them. We accept weaknesses first because they are a fact of life. You cannot be human and escape weakness. Another reason to accept weaknesses is because they are assets. Paul had a thorn in the flesh; he asked God to take it away from him; and God refused and said, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Many of us think we’re too weak. But maybe we haven’t been weak enough. Maybe we haven’t come to the place where we’ve said, “Lord, I can’t.” Have you ever done that? So long as we’re striving on our own, we don’t cry out to Him. But when we say, “Lord, I can’t and You can,” God says, “My strength will be made perfect in your weakness.” What God wants to do with us as we pray is to deliver us from self-sufficiency. He makes us perpetually weak that we might be perpetually dependent, and then perpetually powerful as we depend upon Him.
What are some weaknesses you desire to hide? How have you tried to hide them? What happened?
How can you trust God instead of living in self-sufficiency? Why is that important?
Tell God your struggles with weakness and ask for His help.
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