The baby Jesus was born King. We didn’t elect Him, and we’ll not impeach Him. He is King. He is Lord. Some ask, “Have you made Him Lord?” But you’re too late for that. God has already declared Him Lord. This is His sovereign nobility and right. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. The question is not whether He is Lord but whether you have recognized His place in your life. He is Lord, but do you live like it? Do you stand in awe of Him? If not, the problem is not with Him but with us. Jesus is incomprehensibly wonderful.
A man was riding on a train, looking out the window and saying, “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.” The man sitting next to him asked, “Why do you think everything is wonderful?” He said, “I’ve been blind. I’ve just had surgery, and I’m seeing things that I had long since forgotten how beautiful they were. They are wonderful to me.” If Jesus is not wonderful to you, you need your spiritual eyes opened to see just how wonderful Jesus is.
How have you recognized Jesus’ position as Lord over your life? What areas are difficult to surrender to Him?
How has your awe of Jesus changed over time? Is this positive or negative? Why?
Take time to marvel at God whether through prayer, song, or journaling.
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