Salt is a compound made of sodium and chlorine. When I took chemistry, we’d take a little sodium and drop it in water. And we’d get a very explosive gas out of that sodium: We would get hydrogen gas. And then chlorine, the other element, is a green poisonous gas. If you were to walk into a room full of chlorine, you’d be dead after a little while. These are two very dangerous things on their own. If you were to ingest either sodium or chlorine alone, you’d die. And yet God has put the two together as sodium chloride, or salt. It’s necessary for life.
When I think of what God has done by the chemistry of the cross, I am amazed. He’s taken that deadly part of my nature and made something new out of me. He’s even given me a new name, just like sodium and chloride get a new name, called salt. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.”
Are you living a life of flavor from the Lord? Many around you are not all that interested in going to Heaven or Hell. They just want to know how to hack it on Monday. There is no excitement, no thrill, and their lives are tasteless. We who are Christians are to be different. That’s why Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your speech always be . . . seasoned with salt.” There should be something about Christians that gives flavor to the world around them.
- What are some ways Christians can live differently as salt of the earth?
- Think about a typical day in your life. How does your life look different than others who don’t know Jesus? How does it need to look different?
Discuss with a friend what it would look like to live as salt of the earth in your current stage of life.
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