LUKE 24:25-27
After Jesus’ resurrection, He was on the road to Emmaus. Two weary and forlorn disciples came along. They didn’t recognize Him in His resurrected form, but they were having a discussion with Him. And Jesus opened the Scriptures and showed Himself to them; Jesus was expounding in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Now what does that tell us? These Scriptures were from the Old Testament.
Never get the idea that the New Testament is about Jesus and the Old Testament is about something else. Friend, the whole Bible is about the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you a Bible student? When you open the Bible, you meet the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you looking for Him? Are you trying to find who Jesus is? All of Scripture points to Him. He gives more than good advice—He is the way, the truth, and the life (see John 14:6).
How can you seek Jesus in every passage of the Bible? Does this mean we literally find Him in every passage? Why or why not?
What are some Old Testament passages that have shown you who Jesus is?
Find a Bible reading plan for the year and look for Jesus as you read it.
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